Adventures in bargain hunting

Adventures in bargain hunting and creating style from 'drek'

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Put some Paint On It! Part 2

A week after I refreshed my kitchen (for the second time), I saw something on a DIY Network show about 10 cheap fixes for bathrooms and they painted TILE!!! So cool! I tried to find a link to that particular show but couldn't get it on their website. But you can check out their main page here) The video I referenced while finding more tips on tile painting was from HGTV's website.

My bathroom tile on the floor and the vanity is less than stellar to look at and does not go with the house at all. We are pretty sure we got this house in the middle of a remodel (short sale) and they had finished some rooms, not finished others and had opposite taste of my husband and I in some cases; with the master bath being the biggest opposite. The sinks are black and rectangular thus making them impossible to clean since they show everything, oh and the toilet is black... you read that right: black. The vanity tiles have some sort of Egyptian designs on them including but not limited to: King Tut, a beetle, an aloe looking plant and some other tribal-esque designs. And they are the color that matches the Spanish tile on the floor with a surprisingly lovely green wall color. Anybody else confused?

this picture doesn't show the floor but you can see the black toilet to the right
Anyways, at the hardware store I found a primer that had everything in it and was tintable. I wanted white and the primer was already white. I figured black with white made more sense than black with pink/orange. . I used Zinsser B-I-N Primer Sealer "Ultimate Stain Blocker".

This stuff was great, and I only had to buy a pint since the surface area is small (didn't use the spray that you see above). I used a tiny sponge roller to apply and a foam brush for the smaller areas around the sinks and in the corners. It needed about 4-5 coats and at least 45 minutes between coats. The great thing is you can paint right over the grout too and it gives it a really cool look. I may eventually need to go over everything  with polyurethane for water resistance, but so far so good. I have not had any issues with water penetrating the paint since we have been wiping up any that gets on there, which is just good cleaning practice anyway.
*Tip on primer/sealer: it is a lot thinner than paint and it will create tiny bubbles when you roll it on with your sponge roller, they do pop and the paint ends up smooth.
Just realized there is a little hair tie on the floor that my Midge kitty must have been playing with
 Now you can see the Spanish tile floor, that may be next! Unfortunately the above picture does not show the detail in the painted tile, so here you go:

notice the black sink detail and the fancy tile design

1 pint of primer/sealer: $10
supplies: $4
Yep... I transformed my bathroom vanity without demolition or replacing anything for $14!!!
Bathroom floor: I'm coming for you! :-)

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